Possible Side effects
Herbal and more


As with everything, we should take steps in practicing moderation, regardless of the benefits each herb, fruit, food, etc. It is essential that we don’t abuse it. Taking more than the body needs only sets U back. The body only takes a small quantity and expels the rest, taking large doses will only stress other organs, thus come the side effects, so if U R experiencing any of these symptoms, this means that your body is under stress!!! Or have sensitivity to it.


Some foods that pack a punch may be bad for people with certain health conditions!


Herbal & Foods


Intestinal Cramps, Dehydration


Sensitivity to light

Cascara Sagrada

Intestinal Cramps


Runny Eyes & Nose


Can promote stone formation please read article

Dandelion Root

Upset Stomach


Natural Blood Thinner (not to eat in quantity if on Blood thinners) also an immune booster (not to ingest in quantity if on meds to lower immune function)

Ginkgo Biloba

Upset Stomach, Headache, Tends to enhance blood pressure

Ginseng A Natural Stimulant and Blood thinner.


High in Sugar, diabetics be aware,


Effects bioavailability of certain drugs

Green leafy Veggies

Rich in Vitamin K, not beneficial to people on blood thinners

Kava – Kava


Licorice Root

Fluid retention/ Raised Blood Pressure



Phosphorus build up on non functioning kidneys

Pomegranate Juice/ Grape Juice

Both juices contain a specific enzyme that increases the length of time statins remain in the body, causing side effects.


(aggravates gout in susceptible individuals)




Mimics estrogen in the body

St Johns Wort

Sensitivity to light

Sushi/ Raw meats

Should be avoided by people with compromised immune systems

Whole – Wheat Bread

May develop blockages in people with Crohn’s disease



Common Names: Barbados aloe, Curacao aloe.  A desert lily that has been in use for more than 3,500 Yrs., There R about 200 species of this plant.  Aloe Latifolia: Found in South Africa. Some Natives use the leaf pulp to treat inflamed boils & sores; others use the leaf pulp & the plant’s yellow juice to cure ringworm.  Aloe Perryi, Bombay aloe; Turkey aloe, Zanzibar aloe; Found on the island of Socotra near the entrance of the Gulf of Aden…just to name a few. The leaf of aloe contains the special gel or emollient that is used in cosmetics & skin creams.  Taken Internally, Aloe is a strong laxative. In large doses, can cause dehydration, even Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible does not recommend using it as a laxative.  Expecting Moms, children & elderly should not take Aloe internally.


L  Cascara Sagrada

Common Names: California Buckthorn, This tree is native to the mountainous areas of North America, from British Columbia to the mountainous areas of Montana & Northern California. This Herb works by stimulating the lining of the upper intestines to promote normal bowel function. According to doctor Mindell’s Herb bible, it is 1 of nature’s milder laxatives & is effective against chronic constipation.


Caution: Excessive dose can cause cramps & diarrhea. Do not use during pregnancy.


L  Chamomile

Common Names: Roman Camomile, Garden Camomile, Ground Apple, Low Camomile, And Whig Plant.  This herb is widely known for its calming effect for a nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, on smooth muscle tissue, & other common problems often related to stress. Chamomile contains natural anti – inflammatories including apigenin, which is similar in action to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS). Chamomile also contains chemicals that R antibacterial & anti-fungal. Some people use it as a mouthwash to relieve pain of a toothache. It is found in some shampoos to enhance highlights.

Caution: Chamomile is a member of the daisy family, & anyone who is allergic to other members of the daisy family, including ragweed & Echinacea, should steer clear of this herb. If U R unsure, consult Ur doctor or allergist.


L  Chocolate.

Antioxidant - rich chocolate is a good once – in – while treat for most of us. But if you suffer from calcium oxalate kidney stones, talk to your doctor before U unwrap another bar. Studies found that people with kidney stones or prone to kidney stones should avoid foods high in oxalates (a type of salt crystal), because they can promote stone formation. Other oxalate – rich foods include spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, tea, wheat bran, & strawberries.


L Dandelion Root

Common Names: Blowball, cankerwort, lion’s tooth, priest’s crown, puffball, swine snout, white endive, wild endive. The Dandelion is a perennial plant found to the dismay of many, almost everywhere & is considered a natural diuretic & digestive aid. Its high mineral content may help prevent iron – deficiency anemia. This herb also reduces high blood pressure, probably due to its diuretic action. Dandelion is rich in Potassium, which works with sodium to regulate the body’s water balance & normalize heart rhythms. Lecithin is also found in Dandelion, researchers believe it may protect against cirrhosis of the liver, it is also a wonderful source of carotenoids, which R converted into Vit. A in the body. It has more carotenoids than carrots!

Caution: Do not take dandelion or any other diuretic medicines like Lasix or Hydrochlorothiazide if you are dehydrated.


L  Ginkgo Biloba.

For more than 5,000 Yrs., Chinese herbalists have recommended this ancient remedy for coughs, asthma, & inflammations due to allergies. Although the ginkgo tree dates back since the beginning, (Some live as long as 4,000 yrs.) we R just beginning to understand its medicinal values. This tree contains biologically active compounds called terpenoids, which include gingolides & bilobalide.

Ginkgo exerts a positive effect on the vascular system, the body’s vast network of blood vessels that deliver Blood & Oxygen to various organ systems (Studies show that the more O2 U have in Ur blood stream, the more energy U produce. 1 of the best ways to increase the O2 flow in Ur cells is to eat green foods). Gingko helps regulate nitric oxide, a free radical produced in the body that among other things, controls the muscular tone of blood vessels. Too much nitric oxide (laughing gas) can hamper circulation. Caution: If U have the tendency for high blood pressure this herb should be avoided due to the fact that it has a natural blood thinning effect, or if U R taking any blood thinners already. Consult your practitioner.

L  Ginseng-

 Not helpful with people with acute illnesses, hypertension, or who use excessive amounts of stimulants. Based on the issue of its potential synergy with caffeine, it is sometimes contraindicated with large amounts of caffeine & presumably other central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. It is prudent to discontinue use of ginseng at least 1 week prior to surgery, due to ginseng’s observed long-term potential blood thinning activity.

L  Grapes

Also known as the sugar fruit. Not a friendly fruit to diabetics, grapes & grape juice may cause Ur blood glucose to spike.

This doesn’t mean to avoid the fruit completely – just be sure to talk to Ur healthcare provider about how to fit it safely into Ur diet.

L  Grapefruit

It turns out that the tart drink can interact with some commonly prescribed drugs by affecting their bioavailability (how mush drug absorption takes place in the body) Ex. People who take some types of calcium channel blockers, used to control high blood pressure & chest pain, blood levels of the drug can triple after a glass of grapefruit juice. Other drugs affected by grapefruit include estrogens {used to relieve menopause systems}, terfenadine {used as antihistamine} Cyclosporine {used to prevent rejection of organ transplants} just to name a few.

The chemical believed to be responsible is a citrus flavonoid named naringin, which is concentrated in the peel & pit of the grapefruit.

L  Greens.

Full of Vitamins, Folate, Calcium & Fiber, it’s hard to imagine that they can cause a major problem for people with heart disease who are on blood thinners. The Vitamin K encourages clotting, Check with your practitioner about greens if U R on blood thinning meds.


L  Kava – Kava Touted as Nature’s valium; Herbalists in the South Pacific have traditionally used it is a remedy for nervousness & insomnia.


L  Oatmeal.

We know the benefits of oatmeal lowering  LDL cholesterol, but for people with  reduced kidney function, phosphorus - & -protein rich oatmeal won’t do Ur body any favors. The kidneys filter waste products & excess minerals from Ur blood. But when kidneys are not functioning properly, the job is not fully performed. Phosphorus can then build up in Ur body & leach calcium from Ur bones. In addition to making bones weaker, this can lead to poor circulation, hardened arteries & heart problems.  People with Certain condition should avoid eating it.


L  Pomegranate Juice. /Grapefruit Juice

One of My favorite fruits, unfortunately for people that are taking Staten drugs, they should be aware of the negative interactions. Both juices contain a specific enzyme that increases the length of time statins remain in the body, causing side effects, such as muscle pain & even, in severe cases, liver damage.


L  Soy.

Soybean & Soy products, like tofu & soy milk, R healthful sources of protein. But soy has a dark side: it can mimic estrogen in the body. This makes it a questionable choice for women being treated for some forms of breast cancer. If U have a personal history of breast cancer, be sure to ask Ur healthcare provider whether U should stay away from soy.


L  Sushi & Raw Meats.

Expecting mothers, individuals undergoing chemotherapy, & immune compromised consumers should skip the under cooked seafood & meats, The risk of food – borne illnesses is much higher in raw or undercooked animal protein food sources


L  Turkey.

Low in fat & high in protein, but if U suffer from gout (uric acid that builds up in joints causing pain & swelling). White meat turkey is among several foods that R high in purines, which aggravate gout. Other high – purine foods include beer; organ meats; sardines; mussels; anchovies, trout, scallops & other high – protein meats like pork & red meat.


L  Whole – Wheat.

            This nutritious food can be troublesome to people dealing with Crohn’s disease         



Consider the additives




Most tablets & some capsules contain fillers binders or excipients (substances that help keep the herbs dry during manufacturing).

Law requirements, R that the label disclose these ingredients (varying from state to state) such as acacia gum (gum arabica), Calcium, Phosphate, Cellulose (plant fiber) Magnesium Stearate, and Maltodextrin just to name a few.  Even though they R recognized as safe, U could experience an allergic reaction.

My personal experience with Acacia gum was incredible flu like symptoms lasting a few days. Furthermore, some additives, such as maltodextrin, may be derived from genetically modified crops like corn. My recommendation is to research all ingredients of whatever U ingest, choose ones that have the least # of fillers. Tinctures should contain only the herbs, alcohol or glycerin, & possibly Vit C. or citric acid. Walk away from any product that has artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives and disregard what anyone else thinks, Unless they r well versed in the subject.

Allow me to entertain you with another story that I experienced a while ago. I have researched the additive Titanium Dioxide that is found in most shiny, glittery substances like Paints, Lotions, Gels, etc. On – line (internet)…it explained that it’s used to give a glossy finish, So I went to a pharmacist, I kindly asked him if he knew what this ingredient (Titanium Dioxide) was on a Herbal bottle, he told me that it is a whitening powder. There U go folks…there it is, so do Ur own research and don’t cut corners, remember U have 1 body and it will treat U the way U treat it (U reap what U sow).


I have just returned from a trip to Italy bringing a friend along, she has a great sensitivity to most man made chemicals.  Fruit for Ex. is out of the question because of all the pesticides used by the growers, I had asked her to try a peach grown organically {In Italy At Salerno} with hesitation, she bit into it and paused, after 24 hrs. of enjoying the fruit there was no sign of her having a reaction, this further proves that most people do not have food allergies but may be allergic to the chemicals used to treat the product.  Reading in the News week March issue, I stumbled across an article on pg. 50 explaining where some of the ingredients come from in Twinkies, 1 is a mineral called Trona, the raw ingredient of baking soda.

Corn dextrin, a common thickener, is also the glue on postage stamps & envelopes.

Ferrous Sulfate, [inorganic form of iron bound to sulfur; on the NSDB, its functionality; Yeast food] the iron supplement in enriched flour & Vit. pills, is used as a disinfectant, weed killer, Hair dye, cosmetics, medical treatments of anemia.

Calcium sulfate, {lg. amounts may cause intestinal obstruction & constipation} also found in Hair conditioner it’s a Firming agent, as “food – grade plaster of Paris.” found in Flour, baking powder, cereal flours, canned tomatoes, blue cheese, making tofu (Japan) also found in some Toothpastes, powders, brewing industry, plaster casts.

Shortening [in the form of partially hydrogenated Veg. Oil {contains MSG}/ beef fat is the main ingredient]. Hydrogenation creates trans – fatty acids that can increase risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, cancers, obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, Alzheimer’s disease & heart disease. Usually found in baked goods, cakes, cookies, instant soups, sauces, beef stew, corn chips, salad dressing, doughnuts, easy – to – spread butter, margarine. Other uses: Eye shadow, hair products, cleaning lotion.

Polysorbate 60, {Sorbitol & steric acid chemically combined then sterilized W/ ethylene oxide. Connected with the contaminants 1,4 dioxane & ethylene oxide known to cause cancer in animals} aka, Polyoxyethyleneis (20) & sorbitan monostearate Emulsifier, Thickener, Stabilizer: a gooey substance that helps replace cream & eggs at a fraction of the cost. It’s derived from corn, palm oil & petroleum, normally found in Cakes, cake mixes, icing, candy, beverage mixes, and salad dressings.

Cellulose gum (Carboxymethylcellulose made from cotton by – products. Poorly absorbed; flatulence; lg. Amounts can cause diarrhea & abdominal cramps; caused cancer & tumors in animal studies Possible food use: Infant formula, ice cream, icings, candy, cottage cheese, cream cheese spread, other uses: Hair setting lotion, laxatives, hand cream, antacids, tobacco) gives the cream filling a smooth, slippery feel.

Artificial Vanillin {synthetic; from eugenol, guaiacol or wood pulp waste} is synthesized in petrochemical plants. Potential Effects: Allergic reactions; eye skin & mucous membrane irritation, skin pigmentation. Possible food use: Processed foods like beverages, ice cream, candy, baked goods, chocolate, margarine. Other uses: Perfume, makeup remover, drugs, cigarettes, and dentifrices. The real thing comes from a tropical orchid that r pollinated by hand on the 1st day they bloom.

Lecithin is an emulsifier made from soy. Found in Chocolate, dried milk, margarine, cake mix, candy. Other uses Lipstick, hand cream, mascara, and pharmaceuticals. It’s also used in paint to keep pigments evenly dispersed. Diacetyl mimics the taste of butter.

Cornstarch is a common thickener. But it’s more often used to make cardboard & packing peanuts. Potential Effects: Allergic reactions; asthma; skin rash; hay fever. Possible Food Use: on containers to prevent sticking, Dusting powder.

Yellow # 5, (please read with caution; FD & C Yellow No 5. (tartrazine; synthetic; coal tar dye; from phenylhydrazine – 4 – sulfonic acid & dioxosuccinic acid; banned in foods in some countries. Potential Effects: Dermatitis; concentration difficulties; depression; hay fever; learning difficulties; headache; hives; asthma; skin rash; behavioral problems; swelling of lips & tongue; hyperactivity; anaphylaxis; aggressive behavior; insomnia; confusion; NRC; caution advised if aspirin sensitive. Possible Food Use: Candy, canned or frozen corn, cheese crackers, soft drinks, mint sauce, mint jelly, fruit juice, cordial, canned peas, marzipan, pickles, steak sauce, packet dessert toppings, jams, cereal, packaged soups. Other Uses: Pet foods, toothpastes, shampoo, aftershave, cosmetics, wool & silk dye; pharmaceuticals. Red # 40 ready for this one… FD&C Red #40 {Allura red ac; synthetic: coal tar dye; from naphthalene & toluene compounds; banned in foods in some countries} Possible side effects: Asthma; hyperactivity; allergic reactions; hay fever; hives; caution advised if aspirin sensitive; adverse reproductive effects in animals; suspected carcinogen. Possible Food Use: Cake mix, jelly crystals, cereals, custards, jams, chocolate cakes, crackers, candy, bakery products. Other uses: Pet foods, cosmetics, lipstick, shampoo, and medications. If U ask the general public they will tell U  “It’s considered a food coloring”

 Diacetyl – Diacetyl occurs naturally in alcoholic beverages and is added to some foods to impart a buttery flavor.

Potential symptoms: Eye, mucous membrane, respiratory system, skin irritation; persistent cough, phlegm production, wheezing, dyspnea (shortness of breath); unusual fatigue; episodes of mild fever or generalized aches; severe skin rashes.

Health Effects: Irritation-Eyes, Nose, Throat, Skin (HE15); Suspected cumulative lung damage---bronchiolitis obliterans (HE10)

Affected organs: Eyes, respiratory system, skin.

{At low levels, diacetyl contributes a slipperiness to the feel of the alcoholic beverage in the mouth. As levels increase, it imparts a buttery or butterscotch flavor (butterscotch itself may be devoid of diacetyl).

Diacetyl is produced during fermentation as a byproduct of valine synthesis, when yeast produces α-acetolactate, which escapes the cell and is spontaneously decarboxylated into diacetyl. The yeast then absorbs the diacetyl, and reduces the ketone groups to form acetoin and 2,3-butanediol, relatively flavorless compounds.

Beer sometimes undergoes a diacetyl rest, in which its temperature is raised slightly for two or three days after fermentation is complete, to allow the yeast to absorb the diacetyl it produced earlier in the fermentation cycle. The makers of some wines, such as chardonnay, deliberately promote the production of diacetyl because of the feel and flavor it imparts. It is present in many California chardonnays known as "Butter Bombs," although there is a growing trend back toward the more traditional French styles

Concentrations from 0.005 mg/L to 1.7 mg/L were measured in chardonnay wines, and the amount needed for the flavor to be noticed is at least 0.2 mg/L.}

Sorbic Acid the only actual preservative in Twinkies, comes from petroleum.

The Global Food Supply

Sometimes I ask myself where do most ingredients come from, my questions have been satisfied to some extent in an article of the Business week 7/30/07:


Sweet Stuffings


High fructose, corn syrup & sugar in the filling come from the U.S., but many additives R made overseas. Sodium alginate is from Scotland, Malic acid may hail from Italy, while citric acid is from Europe & the U.S. The strawberry purée, flavor - & red #40 R home grown.

Health Boost:


When flour is produced & milled in the U.S., then enriched with extras as Vit. B1, B2, Iron, & folic acid. Such supplements predominately come from china. In the wake of recent food scares, some non – Chinese Vitamin producers have been able to charge premiums.

Keeping It 2gether:


Whole grain oats, Cellulose, & sunflower oil hail from the U.S., but most honey is produced in China. The emulsifier lecithin, derived from soy, comes from Denmark. Thickeners guar gum & carrageenan typically come from India & the Philippines, respectively.


A new insight on water a natural source of life, traditionally recommended intake is 8 oz. Of water daily, a better formula is to base Ur water intake on Ur body weight. Try to drink at least .5 Ur body weight in ounces daily.

Ex. If U weigh 200 pounds, Ur daily intake should be at least 100 oz., or approx 12 – 8 oz. Glasses.



Source of reference: Daily News 31603, Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible, The Herb Book by John Lust, Natural Health Oct/Nov 2001 pg 97, News Week March 5 07. Business week 7.30.07 pg43, What’s in your food? Bill Statham, USA Weekend Feb.1-3 08, Healthmonitor Vol. 7 N01Feb/March 09 pg. 20 - 22,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacetyl , http://www.osha.gov/dts/chemicalsampling/data/CH_231710.html, Hippocrates 2006 pg 8, http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/820200-overview, Popular Science Jan 07 pg.27.


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