The Benefits of Exercise


 Sneak Exercise into your Day.


   I know that it’s difficult to cram everything in a day & the majority of the times; we don’t get to complete everything until the following day, 

Pushing what is good for our bodies until a later time or on the bottom of the list.


The Cost of gym memberships & the intimidation factor of walking into a place packed with “sculpted Bodies” also can keep people from exercising.

 Exercise is the powerful, surprise antidote for metabolic syndrome [a deadly combination of “little” health problem that raise heart attack risk. A condition in which the body doesn’t handle insulin properly. Diagnosis is based on the presents of 3 of the following factors: 1. Abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDLs, high blood pressure & elevated blood sugar] & there’s Good News. Exercise, even in small amount from doing everyday activities, can get you on the road to your goal. It’s a lot easier to stick with a fitness program that includes things you have to do any way.

Here R a few ways you can make everyday activities count as exercise:

Do squats while you’re on the phone at work or at home, clean your desk.

 Offer to help when boxes need to be move, & start carrying your groceries to the car. A 150 – pound person burns approximately 50 calories with 10 minutes of lifting & moving.

 Don’t use the drive – up window for the bank, fast food, coffee or drycleaners. Park the car and walk to the counter or ATM.

Do some manual labor. Household activities such as shoveling snow (432 calories an hr.), raking (288), Pushing a manual Mower (369) & lets not forget Vacuuming (239), all count as moderate exercise. For more click here


    Or if you want to take the next step, hire a personal trainer who can help U to pursue your goals. There’s no national standard for personal trainers, but there R keys to choosing 1.

A trainer should have a degree in a related field & be certified by a nationally recognized organization (finding a list of organizations at Ask how long he/she has been training & what his/her specialty is. Do a personality check: R they motivated, & can he/she share that with U?

“Ask for references, & other gym – goers about their trainers.” Find out if they’ve seen results.  A personal trainer should start by obtaining your health history (“that’s very important, in my own experience going to the gym I have over heard that someone had a heart condition and her trainer pushed her to workout, up – to – the – point she wound up in the hospital”). If you have underlying problems, he/she should refer U to a M.D., Physical therapist or a certified athletic trainer. The Difference is that the certified trainer must hold a degree in athletic training from an accredited college, pass a nationally recognized certification exam & in many States, have a license. Such qualifications R important if you have consistent swelling or persistent pain. (To find an athletic trainer, try calling the athletic department at your local university or sports medicine clinic.)


If you keep at it, you will eventually look & feel great about your self and every part of your life will follow that feeling.”

“The Most important ingredient in happiness is – self esteem: the knowledge that it is good to be what U R.” (This quote was acquired from a British philosopher Roger Scruton).


   Having more energy makes you feel better & keeps you healthier. Studies have shown that “recharging” – weather through prayer, meditation, focused breathing, positive thinking, hobbies or other activities that focus attention – can promote faster healing, increased mental acuity, better emotional well – being & greater productivity. Here R other simple ways to get more energy.


(     Practice morning intent. Before getting out of bed, while showering, traveling to work or landing at your desk, set Ur compass for the day by answering these questions.

Þ          What kind of person do I want to be today?

Þ          What 2 – 4 things do I want to accomplish today?

Þ          How can I make a difference in someone else’s life?


(      Complete 1 one thing at a time.

When we can’t think straight, it’s often because we have a noisy mind; the best thing is to complete things systematically before starting something new. Decide, act, complete.


(      Feed a passion. (When U engage in an activity U really enjoy, the moment is meaningful; U feel alive).

(      Stay plugged in. Like any living thing, interpersonal connections needs TLC to thrive. Give the care & feeding of close relationships as much importance.


Regular workouts cut the risk of endometrial cancer by 22 % for overweight & obese women, All it takes is an easy – to moderate walking for 30 – 45 minutes daily or similar amounts of activities such as biking & aerobics.

Types of Exercise



In simplistic terms, there R 7 kinds of exercise.


Ø    Slow rhythmic movement. This is mainly walking. The body is designed to walk, for long distances. The amount of walking in the U.S. varies per geographic area. When U go for a walk, not only R U getting the benefits of the exercise of the slow rhythmic movement, Ur lymphatic system is getting toxins out of the body, walking, grounding Ur feet on the earth, allowing for earth’s magnetic energy to flow through Ur body, energizing Ur cells. U R also looking out & externalizing through Ur eyes at far away distances, which increases the electromagnetic energy in Ur body rendering it more alkaline and less susceptible to disease. It has a profound effect on Ur state of mind & happiness factor. The lack of walking causes the body’s elimination channels to become slow & sluggish. When it comes to lifting & lowering, slower is more effective because it requires more muscle work & less reliance on momentum.

Ø    Stretching. Ur body consists of muscles, tendons & ligaments. Lack of flexibility allows for negative energy & toxins to accumulate in various parts of the body, allowing toxicity to build up, remember movement is life.

Ø    Resistance. Is any type of movement where resistance is put against a muscle. The most common forms of resistance is any form of weight lifting & calisthenics.

Ø    Postures. There R certain exercise regimens where U R put into postures that R held for a period of time. Some yoga techniques R fluid & movement oriented. The benefits of postures R that they seem to help open the natural energy channels in the body, & stimulate internal organs.

Ø    Aerobic. Meanswith O2Any form of exercise where U R breathing heavily but can still have a conversation is aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise stimulates blood flow throughout the body. Oxygenates the body & speeds the elimination of toxins.

Ø    Anaerobic. Meanswithout O2Any form of exercise where U R breathing so hard U can barely talk is anaerobic. This is giving the U a tremendous stimulation of Ur entire system, because, in effect, U R putting the survival of every cell in Ur body at risk do to the lack of O2. This is very helpful in “reprogramming the body” & allowing the body to increase its elimination of toxins & stop any cellular activity that was abnormal.

Ø    Cellular.


To recap: When we exercise, every cell in our bodies, including our brains, is activated. There R 3 chemical processes that occur when a cell is activated through exercise.

1st the cell’s temperature rises slightly, allowing it to eliminate debris, absorb nutrients & more effectively adhere to other cells (such as those comprising organs).

2nd cells receptors sites R enhanced. When cell receptors R cleaner, they communicate with other cells more effectively, unifying & strengthening tissues throughout the body.

Finally, during exercise, cells collect & maintain higher oxygen levels, which promotes improved metabolism & cell function.

We have learned that there R Major benefits to exercising, it increases Oxygen flow, movement of the lymph fluid, cell stimulation, releasing of tension & stress and opening of energy channels.


Source of reference: USA weekend 1.14-16 05, Guideposts 10 //05, USA weekend 1/13-15 06, Remedy pg112, Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures “They don’t want U to know about pg 104 - 107. Prevention 04. pg. 23, 36, readers digest pg.115, 2/09, H ippocrates 06 pg.19