What are Vitamins?

Necessity is the mother of invention.






The Term “Vitamin” wasn’t coined until 1912 I believe, and it took scientist another 40 yrs. to begin to figure out just how nutrients function.


*   Quite simply, Vitamins are organic substances necessary for life. Vitamins are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies, save for a few exceptions, which cannot be manufactured or synthesized internally. Necessary for our growth, vitality, and general well – being, they are found in minute quantities in all natural food. We must obtain vitamins from these foods or from dietary supplements in order to keep our bodies functioning properly.


What you have to keep in mined is that supplements, which are available in tablet, capsule, liquid, powder, spray, patch, and injection forms, are still just food substances, and unless synthetic, are also derived from living plants and animals. I have studied herbs & vitamins for quite sometime, noticing the healing affects gradually, for some individuals, they have eliminated medicinal intake for a particular symptom. From studying Earl Mindell’s books, which contain a wealth of information on Herbal & Vitamin supplements, I have learned many things. Using his background studies and findings combined with a little common sense, everything eventually falls into place.

In one of his books, when he mentions the word “Vitamin” and explains how people associate that with pills. Thinking pill brings to mine confusing images of medicine & drugs. Though vitamins can & certainly often do the work of both medicine & drugs, they R neither.

Many people R under the assumption that they can just take a vitamin as a substitution for food. They R absolutely wrong! As a matter of fact, vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food…that is real food, not food containing empty non-nutritive calories or as I like to call it…”flake food (Real food that god made is better for U then fake food that man made). There R a lot of erroneous beliefs about vitamins, I hope that when U decide to experiment, U will try to fully understand what your body really needs and the proper method of ingestion (Nutritional needs change over the years, along with proper diet & exercise). Maintaining balance is the key to long healthy life, a single deficiency can endanger the whole body. For ex. Any good M.D. will not allow an anesthesiologist to proceed with an anesthetic injection if your electrolytes are low. The possible effects can be devastating. We all know that different foods contain different vitamins & minerals and in different quantities. Assuming that U ate the right foods in a well balanced diet, U would get all the vitamins needed. Here in lies “The problem”, very few of us R able to arrange this mythical diet. Think about it, knowing that processed sugar, white flour, or canned food has some form of deficiency. Allow me to explain, most restaurants tend to reheat food or keep it warm under heat lamps (heat oxidizes most vitamins), if U frequently eat out, U run the risk of Vit. A, B1 & C deficiencies. Most of the foods we eat have been processed & depleted in nutrients. There is an analysis most commonly made about breads & cereals, most of them in supermarkets R high in nothing but carbohydrates, and enriched, what does that really mean? According to Earl Mindell’s book enriched means replacing nutrients in foods that once contained them but because of heat, storage and so on, no longer do. Foods, therefore, R enriched to the levels found in the natural product before processing. Unfortunately, standards of enrichment leave much to be desired nutritionally. Ex. the standard of enrichment for white flower is to replace the 22 natural nutrients that R removed with 3 Bs, Vit. D, Calcium, & Iron salts.


        Nutrients on the other hand R a little different the Six Most Important R: Carbohydrates, Proteins, (which R made up of amino acids), Fats, Minerals, Vitamins and Water R all nutrients – absorbable components of foods - & necessary for good health. Nutrients R necessary for Energy, Organ function, Food utilization & Cell growth. Micronutrients, like Vit. & Minerals (Minerals R Elements, such as Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Iodine & Phosphorus.), do not themselves provide energy (the body needs to consume only small doses of them, rather than great mouthfuls of the Macro-nutrients which R Proteins, Carbohydrates & Fats. Vit. R a diverse group of chemicals, mostly smaller molecules, that serve as accessory ingredients in the many biochemical pathways of cellular metabolism. Their common feature is, with a few exceptions, the body cannot manufacture them itself & so must take them ready – made from the diet). So far approx. 20 Vitamins have been studied. Their lack in the diet brings on the so-called deficiency diseases. (20 different amino acids. Yet these can be linked & repeated in endless combinations, in the way that the 26 letters of the English alphabet may be shuffled to make the tens of thousands of words in common usage. Each protein, like each word, has individual “meaning” in its structure.)


        The Macronutrients – Carbohydrates, Fat & Protein –do that, but only when there R sufficient micronutrients to release them. The simplest carbohydrate and the subunit into which more complicated ones R broken down during digestion, is the blood sugar glucose. As their name implies, carbohydrates derives from its constituents: carbon, hydrogen & oxygen. The same 3 elements can combine in other ways to form saturated & unsaturated fats. Far more complex in molecular structure, proteins additionally contain nitrogen, either as linking atoms or in amino acids side chains, some of the more common confusions about how, when & where nutrients operate.

The digestive journey commences in the mouth. Most people enjoy eating and food is a popular topic of conversation. It is a common topic with writers & philosophers. Ludwig Feuerbach, 19th – century German philosophical materialist: “A man is what he eats”. On the outside we call it food. It may be a crust of bread or a lavish 17 – course banquet, but the digestion shows no favors. A healthy human eats about ½ ton of it each year. The body readies itself by sight, smell, or thought of food. Digestion commences in the mouth with the mixture of saliva and masticating of food (the key to good digestion is to really chew your food). A watery fluid excreted from the parotid glands composed of an enzyme called ptyalin & amylase (more amylase is provided by the pancreas in the duodenum) already begins to split starches into simple sugars. The food is then propelled to the back of the mouth and into the esophagus {Latin for “I swallow”}, or gullet (the esophagus is a tube approximately 9” long, which empties into the stomach). Here is where peristalsis begins. The tiny valve at the end of Ur esophagus opens long enough for chewed – up particles to enter the stomach (Stomach is a hollow, pouch like structure that lies beneath the diaphragm, which is under the ribs on the left side of the abdomen. Measuring up to 6” in length by 3” – 4” in width). Occasionally, especially after eating, this valve relaxes – which is what enables U to belch. But a relaxed valve can also allow the acid from Ur stomach to be pushed back up into the esophagus, (bad idea to eat and then lie down) causing what’s known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) also known as sour stomach, regurgitation, acid reflux and widely known as heartburn. Virtually nothing is absorbed through the stomach walls except certain minerals, water & alcohol. An ordinary meal leaves the stomach in 3 – 5 hrs. Watery substances, such as soup, leave the stomach quite rapidly. Fats remain considerably longer. Stomach glands & specialized cells produce mucus, enzymes, (HCI) hydrochloric acid, (that kills many of the germs in unwisely consumed, contaminated food.) and the intrinsic factor that enables Vit. B12 to be dissolved through intestinal walls into the circulation.

*     Pepsin – The predominant stomach enzyme, a potent digester of meats & other proteins.

*     Rennin – Curdles Milk

*     HCI – Produced by stomach cells & creates an acidic state.

*     Mucin – Sheathing the bolus & wall of the stomach.

*     Amylase – Chlorides that activate the salivary enzyme.

*     Bicarbonates - & Phosphate – Buffer chemicals, keeps the saliva at a slightly acidic PH of 6.35 – 6.85.


The acid & pepsin initiate digestion & the Mucin coats the wall of the stomach. Mucin & other factors protect the stomach wall from digestive action. Stomach acid has effects on meats, cheese, fish & similar foods. It also helps pepsin to change proteins into amino acids.

An alkaline environment brought about by highly alkaline bile pancreatic juice & secretions of the intestinal walls, 22 ft long divided into 3 sections, here is where digestion is completed & virtually all absorption of nutrients occurs. The alkaline environment is necessary for the most important work of digestion & absorption. The pyloric sphincter at the stomach’s exit relaxes occasionally to let squirts of chyme (Bile from the liver & enzymes from the pancreas. These substances hydrolyze fats & split proteins & carbohydrates. Proteins R changed into amino acids & fats R broken down into glycerin & fatty acids. Starches & sugars now become glucose) through into the duodenum, the 1st 10 – inch section of the sm. intestine {the small intestine of an adult is a muscular tube, which is approximately ½ an inch in diameter, but it is 20 – 22ft long! It is lined with tiny, finger – like projections, called villi.}. The normal pH of the sm. intestine is pH 7.0 (neutral) to pH 9.0 (alkaline). In the enterogastric reflex, the squirts of chyme gradually fill the initial part of the duodenum & distend its wall. 2nd is the jejunum, some 8 ft. long & coiled behind the area of the navel. 3rd is the ileum, 3 ft. long, which loops its way down to the lower right of the abdomen {approx 70% of Ur immune – producing cells R found in Ur small intestine}. Here it swells to form the cecum, the 1st part of the large intestine. Each section of small intestine is about an inch in internal diameter. It takes 12 – 14 hrs. for contents to make the circuit of the large intestine. Any material leaving the ileum & entering the cecum is quite watery. Backflow is prevented at this junction by a muscular valve. (Very little is absorbed from the Lg. Intestine except liquid).


About 1/6th of your body weight consist of proteins, which make up the main part of tissues such as muscles, skin, hair & nails. All proteins contain the element nitrogen, as well as the carbon, hydrogen & Oxygen found in many other organic molecules.


A striking feature of a human digestion is a wide range of foodstuff on which it can survive & prosper. Humans R perhaps best described as omnivores with a definite leaning towards herbivore. Our adaptable guts, as well as our inventive brains, have allowed us to spread across the globe & utilize for food whichever edible plants & animals were present in their region.



There R 2 basic types of amino acids {building blocks of proteins}: those your body can make on its own (nonessential amino acids), & those it cannot make (essential amino acids), therefore must be supplied by your diet. While the protein U eat daily will likely supply adequate amounts of essential amino acids, finding the right dose of the following can make a difference in how U look & feel.


Arginine (nonessential) In addition to participating in protein synthesis, it plays a number of other roles in the body. These include the detoxification of ammonia formed during the nitrogen catabolism of amino acids via the formation of urea; it is the basic ingredient in most nitric oxide (NO) products. It enhances nitric oxide production, which in turn increases blood flow to the muscles & therefore nutrient, oxygen & hormone delivery, as well as muscle pump & ultimately, muscle growth. Nitric oxide has numerous other benefits, as does Arginine; Ex. it boosts insulin & GH secretion, 2 important anabolic hormones that drive muscle growth. A recent study suggested that Arginine may be effective for increasing muscle strength. L-arginine is predominately synthesized in the kidney. It is a key intermediate in the Krebs-Henseleit urea cycle. L-ornithine and L-citrulline are precursors in the synthesis of L-arginine, and L-arginine is converted to urea and L-ornithine via the enzyme arginase. Numerous in vitro experiments have shown that L-arginine has effects on endothelial cells that could be expected to inhibit cardiovascular disease. Inferences have been drawn from these studies suggesting that L-arginine, through its nitric oxide activity, especially in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, inhibits vasoconstriction, thrombolytic activity, cell proliferation, inflammation and other activities that promote cardiovascular disease. The portion of L-arginine that is not converted to urea enters the circulation, and is distributed to the various tissues and metabolized as discussed above. A much smaller amount of L-arginine is produced in the liver.

M&F mag. Recommends 3-5 grams of Arginine as L-arginine, Arginine alpha – ketoglutarate or Arginine – ketoiscocaproate 2 – 3 times per day before ingesting food. (Personally, 1 daily may be sufficient)


Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine make up approximately 1/3rd of the protein in muscle. Vital in the manufacturing, maintenance & repair of muscle tissue. They have additional properties including their ability to increase muscle protein synthesis, decrease the breakdown of muscle tissue, spare muscle glycogen, encourage fat loss, delay the onset of fatigue during exercise & boost immune function. 





Glutamine. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid (protein building block) in the body and is involved in more metabolic processes than any other amino acid. Glutamine is converted to glucose when more glucose is required by the body as an energy source. It serves as a source of fuel for cells lining the intestines. Without it, these cells waste away. It is also used by white blood cells and is important for immune function. Promotes physical recovery, stimulates muscle growth, aids in digestion, boosts growth hormone (GH) levels, enhances concentration, increases memory & can even decrease cravings for sweets.

The immune system uses glutamine as a primary fuel source, so taking extra helps prevent Ur muscle stores from being exhausted. Glutamine assists the production of bicarbonate, a biochemical buffer that helps prevent muscle fatigue. It is also effective in helping muscle cells store more glycogen the storage form of energy from carbohydrates – cell volumizer, aiding in size & further growth of muscle fibers.

Glutamine is found in many foods high in protein, such as fish, meat, beans, and dairy products.


M & F Magazine July 2005 issue recommended dosage 5 –10 grams of glutamine on an empty stomach when you wake, before & after Ur workout & before bed. As with most aminos taken in high doses, start with a low dose & slowly increase as your tolerance goes up.


Citrulline. The amino acid citrulline is required to detoxify the liver from ammonia, which is a waste product of the body from oxidation. Is regularly converted to Arginine in the body, so most of the benefits associated with argenine can be expected with citrulline, including increased (NO) & GH production. Intake of citrulline can help prevent fatigue in exercising muscles by helping remove ammonia from the body. Clinical studies support this contention: Citrulline malate (citrulline attached to malic acid) significantly reduces fatigue, dramatically increases levels of ATP & creatine phosphate in muscle. Citrulline is found in high concentration in the liver.


M & F Magazine July 2005 issue recommended dosage 3 grams of citrulline malate about 30 min. before & immediately after workouts for a noticeable boost in energy.


Tyrosine. Is required by the body to form several important neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, nor epinephrine & epinephrine, as well as thyroid hormones. This means it can be a great pick – me up as well as enhance numerous other physiological functions like fat loss, satiety, mood, mental focus & even sex drive.


M & F Magazine July 2005 issue recommended dosage 1-2 grams of tyrosine on an empty stomach daily. For a pre – workout pick – me – up, try 2 – 4 grams an hr. before lifting.


Taurine. is found free or in simple peptides. Taurine is a non-essential amino acid and is found in high concentrations in the white blood cells, skeletal muscles, central nervous system as well as the heart muscles. In adults, but not children, this nutrient can be manufactured from methionine in the body and from cysteine in the liver, but vitamin B6 must be present. It is a key ingredient of bile, which in turn is needed for fat digestion, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins as well as the control of cholesterol serum levels in the body. (It is incorporated in the bile acid chenodeoxychloic acid, which emulsify the dietary fats) This nutrient is also used in the proper use of potassium, calcium as well as sodium in the body, and for maintaining cell membrane integrity. It is thought to be helpful with anxiety, hyperactivity, poor brain function and epilepsy as well as hydrating the brain. Taurine, together with zinc is also required for proper eye health and vision. {and in vitro studies in various species have demonstrated that low levels of taurine are associated with various pathological lesions, including cardiomyopathy, retinal degeneration, and growth retardation, especially if deficiency occurs during development. Metabolic actions of taurine include: bile acid conjugation, detoxification, membrane stabilization, osmoregulation, and modulation of cellular calcium levels. Clinically, taurine has been used with varying degrees of success in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including: cardiovascular diseases, hypercholesterolemia, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, hepatic disorders, alcoholism, and cystic fibrosis}. Clinically, taurine has been used in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including: cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, hepatic disorders, and cystic fibrosis. An analog of taurine, acamprosate, has been used as a treatment for alcoholism.

Deficiency of taurine

A deficiency may impair vision and problems with fat metabolism may appear, and a theory exists that it may also be involved in epilepsy developing.

Vegans who consume no eggs or dairy products ingest virtually no taurine through their diets, but normally have enough since the body can manufacture the requirements. Children with Down's syndrome may benefit from taurine, and women being treated for breast cancer as well as people with metabolic disorders, since metabolic disorders can cause loss of this nutrient via urine. Diabetics may also benefit from this nutrient, since this disease increase the need for this nutrient.

Taurine is mostly found in meat and fish, and the adult body can manufacture it.



A supplement that helps memory retention.


Why do Vitamins turn my urine Yellow?


The neon tint shows an excess of the B Vit. Riboflavin causes it to be fluorescent yellow, that turns your urine same bright color and also excess Vit. C. (Excess intake causes diarrhea in some individuals)

Riboflavin is crucial to normal functioning of cells and to energy production. Eating lean meats, dairy products, green veggies and enriched cereals.

B – Complex: We already know that the B Vit. Is a de-stressor. The way it works is that Ur body taps Ur stores of B’s housed in the body to produce stress hormones like adrenalin; this in turn depletes the B Vit. Necessary for the production of the hormones that let U relax again.


If U take a multivitamin check the recommended dosage & calculate according to Ur body weight & consumption U may already be getting what U need. Taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to protect Ur health. But don’t over do it, everything in moderation is the foundation to better health.

Fortified foods like breakfast cereals (not the sugary ones) & Orange juice (I use the vita mix, which has a 2 horse power motor that blends the whole food as opposed to just a portion of it in the morning to make my own health drink using 2 carrots, pineapple, apple, pear, celery, grape, red cabbage, kiwi, and other herbal supplements) may also cover some of Ur requirements, consider them as well.


Calcium, It’s not only for bones, but also is found to bind fatty acids in Ur intestine making them unavailable for absorption & thereby lowering the levels of artery clogging fats in Ur blood. The best way to have Ur body absorb calcium is taking the supplements Calcium, Vit. D, {also acquired via sunlight, Improves muscle & nerve function} Magnesium, & importantly the mineral Silica, which aids the body in distribution, & helps avoid buildup of calcium crystals causing stones on kidneys.


Vit E:  Acts as Ur cardio vascular system’s housekeeper. It cleans out cell – damaging free radicals & helps prevent platelets from clumping together & clogging Ur blood vessels. Experts on natural healing recommend choosing mixed Tocopherols, which include the 4 naturally occurring forms of Vit. E alpha – beta – delta & gamma – Tocopherol. This antioxidant scavenges & destroys the free radicals that lead to DNA damage. Damaged DNA may cause cells to reproduce abnormally, creating tumors.


Note: Natural blood thinner, making U feel lethargic. (Consult an herbalist reg. Dosage).


Ginseng – One of the ancient herbs a tonic for invigoration & fortification in times of fatigue & debility, that promotes Vitality. This plant takes approx. 4 -6 yrs. to reach maturity, wild Asian ginseng is now found in only one area of china and rarely & sporadically in Korea. Most commercial herbal products containing Asian ginseng R derived from roots obtained from cultivated ginseng plants.  Asian ginseng roots R used in 2 separate forms today: Raw Ginseng root (White) or Steamed & Dried (Red.

Note: Based on the issue of its potential synergy with Caffeine it is sometimes contraindicated with Lg. amounts of Caffeine & presumably other central nervous system stimulants. Additional safety measures see article.


   Lets talk about Probiotics, new statistics indicate it is very good for you, lets see why.

Research reveals that the American standard diet {which is mostly consistent of quick and fast prepped foods that take longer to process, approx 65 – 100 hrs. to fully evacuate from Ur system. Note In a time when we all had better diets – before the era of modern processed foods, transit time through Ur body was less than ½ this figure} “most people have approx 5 – 12 pounds of matter stored in their colon”.  The medical field agrees that a poorly functioning digestive system is the secret cause of many chronic illnesses. We R what We eat, we’re only as healthy as our ability to successfully digest & absorb the nutrients from our food, it doesn’t matter how healthy Ur diet is, if Ur vitamins, nutrients & minerals R not being successfully absorbed, U’ll get sick.  There is a titanic (approx. 498 different bacteria cells) battle in Ur system between the friendly & unfriendly bacteria. The friendly bacteria known as Probiotics or micro-flora, help U break down & absorb the food U ingest, they also stimulate Ur body’s vital immune system by increasing production of immune – boosting substances like IgA = Immunoglobilin antibodies. They also prevent the unfriendly kind from attaching themselves to Ur system, causing illness (malabsorption, clots, imbalances etc.). Health begins with U, and how much U really care about what U eat and how U R in tune with your body.

If U R experiencing Poor Digestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Colitis, Irritated Bowels, Spastic Colon, Diverticulitis, Psoriasis, Periodontal Problems, Yeast  infections, Acne, Sinus Problems, Allergies, Foul Breath & odor, Chronic Fatigue, PMS, Gastritis, Nervous Stomach, High Cholesterol, Headaches, food Sensitivities,  & Urinary Tract Concerns…....  Please read on. What U eat turns into toxic waste matter in Ur digestive tract. Ur Proteins turn putrid & rot, Fats become rancid & Carbohydrates ferment. This decaying food feeds armies of germs, viruses & yeast. Ur protection is restoring the “friendly” bacteria balance in Ur digestive tract & health problems routinely clear up. There R 16 known friendly bacteria researched:

Many strains are necessary if U want real results!!!

Each strain has a specific function in Ur body.


1} Bifidobacterium Infantis:

Helps inhibit pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli.

2} Bifidobacterium bifidum:

Helps protect against diarrhea & intestinal infections.

3} Bifidobacterium lactis:

Helps alleviate constipation, prevent diarrhea & decrease chronic inflammation of the colon.

4} Bifidobacterium Longun:

Helps eliminate nitrates, reduces fecal odor improves constipation.

5} Bifidobacterium Breve:

Help prevent rotavirus – induced diarrhea & activates Ur immune system. Also helps treat irritated bowel syndrome.

6} Lactobacillus Plantarum:

An important tool in anti – microbial defense. It helps the body to absorb key nutrients, Vit. & Anti – oxidants & eliminate toxic elements from food. Also shown to be effective against yeasts like candida.

7} Lactobacillus Casei:

Help protect against Listeria bacteria that is most commonly transmitted through eating contaminated dairy products & raw vegetables.

8} Lactobacillus Rhamnosus:

Effective in helping certain type of diarrhea. Helps regulate the immune system. It supports the body’s natural resistance to vaginitis & urinary tract infections.

9} Lactobacillus Salivarius:

Has the unique ability to fight peptic ulcers by eliminating Helicobacter pylori

10} Lactococcus Lactis:

A natural antibiotic that reduces the ability of pathogenic bacteria to grow & cause infection.

11} Lactobacillus Bulgaricus:

Aids in the digestion of milk products & produces a natural antibiotic substance while cleaning Ur colon without disrupting friendly bacteria.

12} Lactobacillus Brevis:

Aid in decreasing intestinal permeability while having a positive effect on the immune system.

13} Lactobacillus Paracasei:

Effective in the prevention & treatment of diarrhea. Regulates the immune system.

14} Lactobacillus Acidophilus:

It’s Ur 1st line of defense against alien invaders including yeasts. Aid in heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

15} Lactobacillus Gasseri:

Helps reduce H. pylori & gastric mucosal inflammation.

16} Streptococcus Thermophilus:

The anti – oxidant activity scavenges the body for free radicals which increase with age, stress, use of antibiotics, sugar & chlorinated water consumption. Effective in maintaining intestinal & vaginal health.


After finding the right bottle of Probiotics then we need to find a rich source of Vitamins & Minerals, that delivers the critical nutrients Ur body needs for revitalization & renewal, there’s a strong chance you’ll feel better than U’ve felt in years, Ur body will have a continual supply of weapons it needs to manage healthy challenges like never before. Some specialize in Purifying Ur body by aiding the purification systems (liver, kidney, skin,) & vital organs so Ur body can function at peak efficiency & Others R great at Nourishing Ur body with nutrients needed to get stronger thus slowing down the appearance of the premature aging process. This means feeling better quicker, getting sick less often, etc.


So get ready for New Energy! New Stamina! & a Brand New Life!!!


     One that is highly recommended is Wheat-grass, this Juice provides Ur body with an incomprehensible quantity of natural nourishment, & gears Ur entire system toward maximum strength followed by optimum health. It is an incredible source of energy, high quality Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes & Protein for every age from Children to Senior Citizens.


Note: Laxatives weaken Ur colon. Laxatives teach Ur colon muscles to relax & work less.


High quality Wheat – grass juice is extracted from young wheat. Grains such as wheat, barley, rye & oats all produce grass, harvesting this grass after a weak or more with its deep green leafy vegetable rich in chlorophyll & nutrients, the juice squeezed from the blades of grass in the most complete & perfect food on earth (& a few other plants as well) it helps the bodies stamina, builds healthy blood, cleans the whole system, aid digestion, make bowel movements regular, reduce cravings for addictive substances, improve fertility, inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria and the activity of cancer – causing chemicals & ease practically every physical & mental ailment U would expect to encounter among people who R not properly nourished.


When U decide to start taking a supplement for a specific condition, give it 30 days before asking your self whether it has made a difference.


Note: The best way to get results is to cleanse your body before starting a homeopathic therapy.

Coffee is one of them, Start by tapering your intake.


Source of reference: Revised Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible, A Visual Guide to the Human Body, M&F pg. 198, 200. Natural Health Mag. Aug. 2003 pg. 68, / 10-11.01 pg. 16, 56,