


Recurrent of shortness of breath, cough, & expectoration of tenacious mucoid sputum.

Hay Fever:

Watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itchy eyes & nose usually associated with a particular season. (Seasonal allergic rhinitis)


When most of us think of asthma, we imagine a person who is fine 1 minute, then short of breath & wheezing the next. In fact, many with asthma feel perfectly fine until something exacerbates their condition. Because this illness is chronic, they need consistent treatment, even when they feel well.

Asthma & Hay fever have similar symptoms, which R wheezing, coughing & tightening in the chest, & shortness of breath, R caused by an inflammation of the bronchioles, the tubes that carry air within the lungs. During an asthma attack, this swelling worsens, & the bronchial tubes narrow. Asthma can also make mucus glands work overtime, producing a thick, sticky fluid that congests the airways. Laboratory signs of allergy (increased levels of eosinophils in blood, increased serum lgE levels, positive food / or inhalant allergy tests.


The gasping comes chiefly from the desperate necessity to get rid of Carbon Dioxide. The respiratory center in the brain regulates breathing, & it does so primarily in response to carbon dioxide levels in the body. In the brain stem special chemically – sensitive cells, or chemoreceptors, monitor carbon dioxide concentrations. They R not actually in contact with blood, but with cerebrospinal fluid, a clear fluid bathing the brain & spinal cord. Carbon Dioxide diffuses into this fluid from the blood, however, its concentrations in the two fluids R comparable.


    Most Lung disorders can be classified according to the pattern of functional abnormality: the effect on the lungs, rather than the cause. In obstructive lung conditions such as asthma & emphysema, the major problem is that the airflow through the conducting airways is obstructed or limited in some way.

The airway obstruction may be a partial plugging from buildup of mucus in the air passages, as in patients with chronic bronchitis. It may be the disruption & expansion of the fibrous supporting tissue around the airway, which compresses the bore of the passage, as in emphysema. It may be a thickening of the airway wall, as in some types of “dust disease” (pneumoconiosis, caused by long –term inhalation of damaging dust particles). Or it may be contractions of the smooth muscle bands encircling the bronchial walls; asthma affects the bronchioles in this way.


Asthma affects approximately 7% of 298,909,025 of the U.S. population as of June 2006 &, although it occurs in all ages, it is most common in children under 10. 1 of the symptoms to watch out for is wheezing. This high – pitched whistling sound occurs when air passes through narrowed passages in the lungs. At an attack’s onset, wheezing occurs only when the person exhales, As the symptom worsen, the wheezing grows louder & can also be heard when they inhale.

Sufferers R sensitive to environmental triggers (increased stress on the immune system due to greater chemical pollution in the air, water & food; earlier weaning, earlier introduction of solid foods to infants; genetic manipulation of plants resulting in food components with greater allergenic tendencies). Many R obvious; such as allergens (pollens, mold, dust mites, pet dander, cockroaches, stale air etc.) irritants, (strong scents, burning incense, pollution, chemicals {found in lotions, shampoos, soaps, aerosol sprays, deodorants, food, almost everything today}) tobacco smoke & infectious agents (viruses that cause colds). However, some triggers aren’t obvious. Changes in the atmosphere (colder temperatures, changes in humidity), physical exertion (hard breathing cools the air passages & can trigger an attack. Foregoing exercise is a mistake. It’s a vital factor in cardiopulmonary health. Find a program of exercise that works for U.) & even emotionally charged situations that precipitate anxiety, crying & laughter can cause an asthma attack. If U suspect that U may have asthma, the 1st step is to start a self – management program. Learn Ur personal trigger – allergens that cause asthma symptoms in U - & always try to avoid them. Master techniques that control the severity of Ur symptoms when they do begin, then, have an M.D. run a few tests to see how well U can move air in and out of your lungs. Asthma has typically been divided into 2 major categories: extrinsic & intrinsic.


  •    Extrinsic or atopic, asthma is generally considered an allergic condition, with a characteristic increase in levels of serum IgE – the allergic antibody.

  •    Intrinsic asthma is associated with a bronchial reaction that is due not to allergy, but rather to such factors as toxic chemicals, cold air, exercise, infection, & emotional upset.

Both extrinsic & intrinsic factors trigger the release of chemicals that mediate inflammation from mast cells – specialized white blood cells that reside in various body tissues, including the lining of the respiratory passages. The inflammatory mediators R responsible for the signs & symptoms of asthma. They are either preformed in little packets (granules) within mast cells or generated from fatty acids that reside in cell membranes. The preformed mediators include histamine & compounds known as Leukotrienes. These compounds R responsible for producing much of the allergic reaction seen in asthma.

 The role of the Adrenal Gland.

The adrenal glands’ activity is important in asthmatics due to its hormones cortisol & epinephrine. These compounds activate receptors (beta – 2 receptors) on bronchial muscle & opening of the airways. It is thought that during asthmatic attacks there is a relative deficiency of cortisol & epinephrine. The lack of stimulation of beta 2 receptors result in bronchial constriction.


Once your M.D. confirms a diagnosis, the treatment options vary widely, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Keep in mind; treatment for asthma also needs to be individualized. Remember everyone is an individual, like a fingerprint, not everyone responds the same way to the various medications that R available to treat the disease. A substance that is not a recognized trigger may nevertheless trouble U.

Example: Research recently revealed that aspirin is a strong irritant for 20% of asthmatic adults.

After an episode, identify substances that may have acted as triggers. Discuss them with Ur practitioner & avoid them if they R likely to irritate U.

Asthma medications fall into 2 broad categories: those for long-term control and those used to treat acute symptoms. Short – term bronchodilators (aka beta – adrenergicagents, or beta agonists), used to treat acute attacks; open the airways by relaxing the muscles that have constricted around them. There R some long – acting bronchodilators, speculatively, the most effective asthma treatment programs should incorporate anti – inflammatory substances.


Another thought: Many people who suffer from asthma also have allergies. Effectively treating allergies can sometimes improve asthma. Obviously not all asthma treatments R alike, nor R they meant to be. By gaining the knowledge and working with your practitioner, U can customize a treatment plan that will be the most effective for U and in – turn will help U breathe better.


Other Possible Asthma culprits: Manufactured Fruit drinks, Yellow # 5, Red # 40, Blue Dye, Acacia (gum Arabic), Sulfa drugs, Nuts, Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Yeast, Some types of Fish, Some types of Nuts, Sodium Nitrites/Nitrates, Fried foods, Processed Cheeses, Vegetable oils (corn, & safflower oils), Salt, MSG, Alcohol, Food additives & Preservatives, Food coloring, Sulfur oxides, Wrong type of breathing. Wool blankets, Down pillows, Ozone carbon monoxide, Pesticides, Corrosives in air conditioning,

 Ex. Test on milk (dried casein) has detected histamine, the prime substance in many allergic reactions, such as asthma.


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) levels R typically low in asthmatics.


Food Additives.

The elimination of synthetic food additives is vitally important in the control of asthma. Artificial dyes & preservatives R widely used in foods, beverages, & drugs. The most common-coloring agents R the azo dyes tartrazine (orange), sunset yellow, amaranth (red), & the new coccine (red) & the non – azo dye pate blue. The most commonly used preservatives in food R sodium benzoate, 4 – hydroxybenzoate esters, & sulfur dioxide. Various sulfites R commonly used in prepared foods. Tartrazine, benzoates, sulfur dioxide, & in particular, sulfites have been reported to cause asthma attacks in susceptible individuals. It has been postulated that a molybdenum deficiency may be responsible for sulfite sensitivity. Sulfite oxidase, the enzyme responsible for neutralizing sulfites, requires molybdenum to work properly.




(       Practice these exercises once or twice a day. When an episode begins, doing the exercise will immediately help U relax & minimize symptoms.

Ž          Sit upright in a chair, letting Ur arms hang at Ur sides. Breathing slowly & evenly (correct way to breath is expanding the chest area not the stomach).

Ž          Sit 1 –2 minutes with Ur eyes closed.

Ž          Gently tighten the muscles in Ur face, making a frown. Count to 2 (don’t hold Ur breath.) Let Ur face muscles relax completely. Count to 4.

Ž          Clench Ur fists. Shrug Ur shoulders. Tighten the muscles in Ur arms. Count to 3 (not holding Ur breath).

Ž          Let Ur shoulders drop, & let Ur arm hang loosely with Ur hands open. Count to 4. Keep breathing slowly & evenly.

Ž          Tighten Ur legs & feet. Count to 3.

Ž          Relax. Let Ur muscles go loose, from Ur forehead to Ur toes. Count to 4


(     Breathing. When an episode begins, the natural tendency is to try to breathe faster to draw more air. A more effective way to normalize Ur breathing:

1)       Relax. Let neck & shoulders droop.

2)       Breathe in slowly through Ur nose.

3)       With Ur lips closed. Exhale through Ur mouth slowly & evenly, trying to take at least twice as long as U did to inhale.

4)       Relax.

5)       Envision your self-standing next to a pine tree. As U breath out, feel the exhalation spread throughout Ur body down to the soles of Ur feet.

6)       Repeat the pursed – lip, breathing until U no longer feel breathless. If U become dizzy, rest for a few breathes.

Exhaling through pursed lips increases the pressure in Ur airways, keeping them open.


Theophylline is found in most asthma drugs.


Here’s a reason to get a handle on Ur heartburn: A recent study finds chronic heartburn can cause asthma. Approximately .5 of asthma sufferers have some degree of gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD, characterized by repeated bouts of acid reflux or heartburn. Duke University researchers indicate that may be due to stomach contents & acidic digestive juices that reflux into the lungs & esophagus injure lung tissue & over time can lead to asthma – causing immune system changes.

 Eating the right foods & portion control may alleviate or prevent asthmatic attacks essentially in four ways:

As we discussed earlier:

By helping control underlying inflammation of air passages,

By dilating air passages,

By thinning down mucus in the lungs,

By preventing food – allergy reactions that trigger asthma attacks.


U can get it in a natural source, chief among them R the plants containing caffeine.


Herbal & Food Remedies


Unquestionably, the best mucokinetic foods R hot & spicy. According to a book that I read (Food-your miracle medicine, How Food can prevent & cure over 100 symptoms & problems based on more than 10,000 scientific studies by Jean Carper) Dr. Ziment explains that since antiquity, the favored foods for treating pulmonary & respiratory disease have been mustard, garlic, & hot chili peppers. As the hot sensation hits the mouth, throat & stomach, it touches nerve receptors that send messages to the brain, which in turn activates the vagus nerve controlling secretion – producing glands that line the airways. The gland instantly release waves of fluids that can make the eyes water & nose run. Imagine the same release of watery fluids inside the bronchial passages of Ur lungs. Breaking up congestion, flushing out sinuses & washing away irritants R common pharmacological traits of all hot, pungent foods.


Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate has more than just caffeine. All reportedly contain 2 other major natural anti – asthmatic compounds, theobromine & theophylline, which along with caffeine, belong to a family of chemicals called xanthines. These chemicals help stop bronchospasms & open constricted bronchial passages.

 Allium Family Onion: eating onions regularly. The bulbs contain at least 3 natural anti – inflammatory drugs that strike at the basic cause of asthma. In 1 test an onion chemical, diphenylthiosulfinate, displayed higher anti – inflammatory activity than the popular anti-inflammatory drug prednisolone. Another powerful anti- inflammatory compound is quercetin (Flavonoid, found in onions), which also can relieve allergies including hay fever. Quercetin seems to stabilize membranes of cells that release histamine; it has both a Vit C – sparing effect & a direct stabilizing effect on membranes, including mast cells. To increase flavonoid consumption, take quercetin and other flavonoid – rich extracts, grape seed, pine bark, green tea, or Gingko Biloba– which may prove even more helpful in the treatment of asthma due to their better absorption of flavonoids than quercetin alone. In fact, quercetin is chemically similar to cromolyn, an anti – allergic drug that inhibits histamine release.


Garlic also a member if the allium family inhibits lipoxygenase & cyclooxygenases, which generate inflammatory prostaglandins & thromboxanes.  

 Fish oil Omega 3 (cuts the production of Leukotrienes, a stimulant of bronchial constriction) is a good bet as a long-term safe treatment for asthma. A proven anti – inflammatory agent, the oil may help heal inflammation of the air passages, allowing for regeneration of the lining of the airways & restoring easier breathing. (Omega 3 fatty acid ingestion leads to a significant shift in leukotriene synthesis from the extremely inflammatory 4 – series Leukotrienes to the less inflammatory 5 – series Leukotrienes. This shift is directly related to relief from asthma symptoms. It may take as long as 1 yr. Before the benefits R apparent, as it appears to take time to turn over cellular membranes in favor of the Omega – 3 fatty acids.)


Anise & Fennel. The Greeks use teas made from these herbs for asthma & other respiratory ailments. They contain helpful chemicals – creosol & alpha – pinene that helps loosen bronchial secretions. Fennel seeds (actually fruits) can contain as much as 8,800 ppm of alpha – pinene. Anise has 360 ppm. Many other plants R good sources & could be expected to provide asthma relief. In descending order, they R parsley seed, coriander, juniper berries, sweet Annie, cardamom, sassafras, horse balm, ginger, Chinese angelica, (aka dang – quai), dill, tarragon, and yarrow. U could mix up a cocktail of these herbs as a tea.


Antioxidants & Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamin Acid). If U want to breathe better, eat lots of fruits & vegetables rich in Vit C. They too, can help control asthma (Vit. C’s antioxidant activity can neutralize oxygen free radicals that may stimulate inflammation & also accelerates histamine metabolism additionally, it affects prostaglandin that help control inflammation as it is the major antioxidant present in the lining of the airway surfaces. Vit C. exerts a # of effects against histamine. Specifically, it prevents the secretion of histamine by white blood cells & increases the detoxification of histamine.). Specifically, eating foods containing at least 300 milligrams of Vit. C daily cut the risk of asthmatic & bronchitis by 30 %. That’s equivalent to Three 8 oz glasses of orange juice (you benefit more by eating the fruit) Or 3 cups of broccoli. Guava, Acerola berry (It also helps the body make collagen, a tough, fibrous protein that helps build connective tissue, skin, bones, and teeth & that plays a role in wound healing). Vit. C is 1 of the most widely taken supplements, Available in many forms such as tablet, capsules, lozenges, time – release tablets, syrups, powders, chewable wafers, powder, in just about every form a Vit. Can take. (Found in Citrus fruits, berries, cherries, apricots, green & leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cauliflower, potatoes, peppers, rose hips, & buckwheat). Vit. P (C Complex, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Rutin, Hesperidin). Necessary for the proper function & absorption of vitamin C.


Vit. E (Tocopherol) The advantage of Vit. E’s activity as an antioxidant & an inhibitor of leukotriene formation (targeting free radicals that R caused by air pollution, one of the leading cause of asthma). In addition, vitamin E stimulates the release of chemical in the body that help relax smooth muscles, including muscles that make up the airways in the lungs. As with vitamin C, it doesn’t take a lot of Vit. E to get the benefits. Vit. E works best with selenium and Vit. C. (Found in Wheat Germ, Soybeans, Veg. Oils, Nuts, Brussels Sprouts, Leafy Greens, Spinach, Enriched Flower, Whole Wheat, Whole – Grain Cereals, & Eggs)

Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine) is required for the proper metabolism of Tryptophan (a building block of protein). (Necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid & magnesium). Tryptophan is converted to serotonin (to niacin), a compound that, among other things, can cause the airways of asthmatics to constrict. High serotonin levels in the blood & sputum R common findings in asthmatics & R reflected by an elevated urinary level of 5 – hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA), the breakdown of serotonin.  Supplementation is recommended for the treatment of asthma, especially if the asthmatic has to take the drug theophylline. (Found in brewer’s yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, liver, fish, soybeans, cantaloupe, cabbage, blackstrap molasses, unmilled rice, eggs, oats, peanuts, walnuts).


Vit B12 (Cobalamin) commonly known as the “Red Vit.” Or Cyanocobalamin, (Not well assimilated through the stomach. Needs to be combined with calcium during absorption to properly benefit the body) A properly functioning thyroid gland helps B12 absorption. It appears to be especially effective in treating sulfite – sensitive individuals. It offers the best protection when given orally (1 – 4 mcg) prior to challenge, compared to other pharmacological agents (e.g., cromolyn sodium, atropine & doxepin). The mode of action is the formation of a sulfite – cobalamin complex, which blocks sulfite’s allergic effect. (Found in Liver, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese, fish)


Magnesium In 1912, it was demonstrated that magnesium relaxed bovine bronchial smooth muscle. Later, uncontrolled clinical studies with injectable forms of magnesium revealed magnesium’s beneficial effect in the treatment of patients with acute attacks of asthma. Unfortunately, this practice was dropped when antihistamines & bronchodilators became available. However, recently there has been a renewed interest in the therapeutic use of magnesium for treating asthma. Oral magnesium therapy can raise body magnesium stores, but it will usually take 6 weeks to achieve significant elevations in tissue magnesium concentrations. (Found in unmilled grains, figs, almonds, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, & bananas).


Ginkgo Biloba contains several unique terpene molecules, known collectively as Ginkgolides that antagonize platelet-activating factor (PAF), a key chemical mediator in asthma, inflammation & allergens. Ginkgolides compete with PAF for binding sites & inhibit the various events induced by PAF. This potent herb is best known for improving circulation (it help me with my Tinnitus another term for ringing in the ears).


Sulfur, MSN (Methylsulfonylmethane). Organic sulfur. Taken with Glucosamine, another sulfur compound, MSM can significantly reduce pain & stiffness of arthritis. For allergies, parasitic infections, & faster recovery after working out, MSN W/ Vit. C – Bioflavonoid complex is terrific.        Essential for healthy hair, skin, nails. Helps maintain oxygen balance necessary for proper brain function.

 Other Natural Healers.

    Aromatherapy. Mix 4 parts eucalyptus, 2 parts lavender, 2 parts myrrh & 3 parts chamomile essential oils (If using the live herbs let boil 5 – 10 min. let cool over night, fill bottles & refrigerate. Heat up only enough for saturating a cloth to put on face.) Store mixture in bottle. Can combine with Oils (olive oil makes an excellent rub) for spreading on chest area at night (10 drops of essential oil blend mixed with 80 drops (approx 1/8 oz) of Olive, Flax Seed, or Grapseed Oil.


Note: In severe cases of asthma, the best treatment is a combined approach, using natural measures to reduce the allergic threshold & prevent acute attacks, along with proper drug treatment of acute attacks.


To judge whether your child’s breathing is accelerated, count his breaths for a full 60 seconds.

Compare Ur child’s rate with normal breathing rates:



25 – 60 breaths per minute

1 – 4 Yrs.

20 –30

4 – 14 Yrs.

15 – 25

14 – 18 Yrs.

11 – 23


Sleeping children breathe more slowly. & in very young children, it’s often simpler to count breaths by watching the belly rise & fall rather than the chest.


Warning: Sometimes an older child has so much trouble breathing during an asthma attack that his respiratory rate actually drops.


Take the Asthma Control Test




1)     In the passed 4 weeks, how much of the time did Ur asthma keep U from getting as much done at work, school or at home?


[1] All

[2] Most

[3] Some

[4] A little

[5] None



2)     During the past 4 Weeks, how often have U had shortness of breath?


[1] All

[2] Most

[3] Some

[4] A little

[5] None



3)     During the past 4 weeks, how often did Ur asthma symptoms (wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain) wake U up at night or earlier than usual in the morning?


[1] All

[2] Most

[3] Some

[4] A little

[5] None



4)     During the past 4 weeks, how often have U used your rescue inhaler or nebulizer medication?


[1] All

[2] Most

[3] Some

[4] A little

[5] None



5)     How would U rate Ur asthma control during the past 4 weeks?


[1] All

[2] Most

[3] Some

[4] A little

[5] None



If U scored 19 or less, Ur asthma may not be controlled as well as it could be.

o         Discuss Ur score with a professional. Ask if U should change Ur asthma treatment plan.

o         Ask your professional about daily, long – term control treatment. If U scored 20 or more, Ur asthma seems to be controlled. Our advice is to discuss this with a professional.

o         Asthma symptoms can change. They can flare up at any time.

o         Repeat this test to see how U r doing and always consult Ur practitioner.


A healthy body produces between a pint & a quart of mucus. This mucus passes through Ur nose washing the membranes, picking up dust particles, bacteria & other harmful invaders. The mucus then goes to the back of Ur throat where Ur system destroys it. This healthy process keeps U free and clear of any inflammation due to bacteria build up. If Ur membranes become swollen from an allergic reaction or a cold, the mucus is trapped, stagnating creates breeding ground for bacteria.

The membranes can become so swollen that the tiny openings from the sinuses become blocked. Pressure occurs in the sinuses & mucus can build up, causing pressure pain in the forehead or face (including toothaches), between & behind the discharges, pounding headaches, throbbing sinuses, wheezing, coughing & sneezing.


 Source of reference: USA weekend 5.19 –21.06, Instead of the Pharmacist 16-18, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine 260 - 271, The Human Body 82, 84, Healing Unlimited 36-37, 82,84,169, Food-Your Miracle Medicine 337,347-355, New Foods for Healing pg 2, 50, Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible pg 45-50, 64,65 69,70, 75,76, 105,106, Asthma control Test copyright, Quality Metric Incorporated 2002,2004, Doctor’s Sinus Breakthroughs for 2008.


Brought to U by Nancy’s Universe.